Bird photos can have a high aesthetic value, in addition they fulfil a documentary function in ornithology: behavioural patterns can be recorded, plumage characteristics and conditions can be depicted or occurrences of rare birds can be perfectly documented. So far about 400 of Thorsten's wildlife photos have been selected to be printed mainly in (specialist) journals, but also in national and international book titles.
In addition, they were and are used to illustrate brochures and other information, image and advertising materials, in newspapers as well as reports on
ornithological topics, printed as posters and finally used for public exhibitions between the Alps (Nature Information Centre Karwendel Mountains) and Wadden Sea (various national park
Contributions in books and other monographs, e.g.
Alström et al. (2003): Pipits and Wagtails of Europe, Asia and North America
Moning & Weiß (2007): Vögel beobachten in Norddeutschland.
Dierschke et al. (2011): Die Vogelwelt der Insel Helgoland.
Contributions in journals and reports, e.g.
Photos for posters, educational materials and advertisements, in brochures and leaflets, newspaper
articles or also as basis for vector graphics for signs of nature reserves